[winner winner_name=”Kathleen Bernhard,” order_id=”4341″ ticket_number=”5140010,” prize=”Wheelbarrow of Appliances” textbeforewinnername=”Congratulations to the winner of our raffle,” textbeforeorderid=”who has order id” textbeforeticketnumber=”and ticket number” textbeforeprize=” Prize:”]
Total Tickets Sold: 35
Thank you to everyone who participated!
- No minimum number of ticket sales required.
- The raffles on this website are being conducted by Stop NorthPoint PAC.
- All federal, state, and local laws apply.
- Contest is void where prohibited.
- Stop NorthPoint LLC and Stop NorthPoint PAC are not responsible for any technical issues related to the facilitation of this raffle via this website.
- Nobody within the Stop NorthPoint PAC committee, including chair or treasurer or their immediate family members are eligible to participate.
Raffle tickets for this drawing:
[products columns=”3″ category=”may-2021-appliances-raffle” order=”ASC”]