12th Judicial Circuit Court of Illinois (Will County):
- Stop NorthPoint v Joliet: case 20CH739, Judge Jarz (Rm 603) - Case was dismissed and Stop NorthPoint won its appeal to reinstate the two nuisance complaints. - 02/24/2025 at 2:00 PM (Status Hearing)
- Elwood v Joliet (includes Just Say No to NP): case 20CH590, Judge Pavich (Rm 201)
- 03/25/2025 at 11:00 AM (Status on Discovery) - Houbolt Rd Ext v Joliet (aka "CenterPoint Lawsuit 1"): case 22MR138, Judge Pavich (Rm 201)
- TRO GRANTED on 3/19/2024 - HOWEVER, the court notes mention talks about a forthcoming SETTLEMENT so NP will be able to use Millsdale Rd. - May 12-16, May 19-23, 2025 at 1:30 PM (Hearing)
Appellate Court Third District of Illinois (Ottawa):
- Nothing Pending - To date, all appellate rulings have gone against NorthPoint and Joliet.
Favorable Rulings:
- Stop NorthPoint v Joliet: case 20CH739, Judge Jarz (Rm 803) - Case was dismissed and Stop NorthPoint had filed an appeal. Appellate Case #3-22-0517: Oral Arguments in the Appellate Court were heard on 11/28/2023 and we WON the appeal on 01/19/2024. Listen to the oral arguments here.
- Kieken v Joliet ("FOIA Denial"): case 21CH448, Judge Pavich - (Plaintiff prevailed against Joliet and was awarded legal fees). On 10/3/2022, Joliet filed an appeal and Plaintiff filed a counter-appeal. Appellate Case #03-22-0392: Oral Arguments in the Appellate Court were heard on 09/11/2023 and a favorable ruling slapping down Joliet was entered on October 17, 2023. Press Release HERE.
- Elwood v Andersen ("Bridge over Rt 53 at Walter Strawn Dr"): case 19CH817 has been combined into 19MR596, and Case 19CH1054 is related, Judge Jarz (Rm 803) - 05/23/2024 at 9:00 AM (Status on Appeal?) Case was appealed. Appellate Case #3-22-0515: Oral Arguments in the Appellate Court were heard on 09/12/2023. Listen to the oral arguments here. Elwood won this appeal on 02/26/2024 - NorthPoint slapped down once again.

Be aware that dates & times can change quickly/unexpectedly, so one should always verify by using the "Case Lookup" tool on the court's website at circuitclerkofwillcounty.com. Cases are usually heard during the morning session starting at 9 or 10 am.
The Zoom meeting IDs and passwords are listed by Judge's name on the main home page and the public is allowed to attend courtroom proceedings via Zoom, or in-person depending on the courthouse's latest Covid-19 rules.
- Judge Jarz: Zoom ID: 868 8108 8739, pw: 224588
- Judge Pavich: Zoom ID: 812 7162 5837, pw: 705986
- 2024 Court Zoom Schedule