Veterans say STOP NorthPoint
You do not need to be a veteran in order to send this letter.
The following letter is for anyone who wants to stand with the veterans in protecting Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery.
At the request of veteran groups, please send this letter to our federal legislators who rubber-stamped NorthPoint without talking to their constituents. The message below will be sent immediately to Senators Durbin and Duckworth, and Representatives Rush, Kelly, and Kinzinger.
The letter will be automatically be signed “Respectfully,” followed by your name/email/town, and your phone number if you include one. You may edit or personalize the message as you see fit.
Please voice your opinion professionally. We do not condone stalking or harassment. Also be aware that all IP addresses are logged and every message is saved in our database.
This campaign is closed, please click here.
JB-C · August 23, 2020 at 1:43 pm
I encourage all who object to NorthPoint to contact these senators and representatives.
Laura Sperstad · August 23, 2020 at 3:23 pm
The 150 homeowners of Sugar Creek Hills. Established in 1958, East of Rt. 53 vehemently oppose this development or anymore like it! The truck traffic affects us everyday already. Please do not add more pollution & desolation to our quality of life.
Kristine · August 25, 2020 at 12:48 am
“all who object to NorthPoint should contact Senators and Representatives” …..
My family is interred at A. Lincoln. Not just my veteran father, but my mother, and my developmentally disabled sister. I no longer live in Illinois, so where is my
recourse? My family’s respect? As I have experienced this cemetery, it was obviously
created to honor the “troops of WW2”. So now we deny their dignity and self-sacrifice for $$$$? Greed corrupts so many hearts. I am ashamed to admit that
Will County, Illinois is my home town. Just consider one idea, please. My family,
veterans of the Revolution and 1812, settled in this area before 1818. They created
their homestead on a land grant. As the years progressed and they proved up their
homestead, their sons continued to support this country. Veterans in every campaign.
Finally ending in WW2 with three sons participating. The youngest moved on to Korea. He didn’t make it home. So, my family has made the ultimate sacrifice
for generations, and this is the respect they receive. Wish someone could park
a truck in your family’s cemetery.
Gina Staehely · August 31, 2020 at 5:05 pm
I hope all of you will reconsider the NorthPoint Project for a few reasons. On the personal level, I have lived off the corner of 59/55 (55/80) for 39 years. The regular traffic has increased, but the truck traffic is ridiculous. Everyday I see trucks on 55 flying in the left lane, blowing by cars; I see trucks that have BALD tires; truckers that don’t stop for stop signs coming from the long line of warehouses off the frontage road; and the roads that get potholes and crumbling edges on the blacktop road. (A secondary issue is the CONSTANT beep, beep, beep of the trucks backing up to the warehouses 24 hours a day. At night it is unnerving!)
The impact of all the traffic on 53 by the Abraham Lincoln Cemetery is bad now because of the warehouse, but will only get worse if you let NorthPoint and other firms to continue to invade our county. I see it when I go visit my dad’s grave at ALC to pay my respects; and I see it down the Peotone Road when I go to Wilton Center to drive to/by my cousins homes and my property located in Wilton Center. Now you want to flood the Wilton Center area with MORE trucks.
These farmers and their families in the Wilton Center area are growing crops to feed OUR families, to feed their livestock to put meat on OUR table. Once the Wilton Center area is bought up, the area east of that will probably be bought up too. When will it be enough?
Please reconsider your options and motives.
Rosemarie Dombrow · December 6, 2020 at 1:02 pm
I agree with all the above in the letter. Also, it seems like there’s way too many warehouses (some of them empty)and that’s not good for us or the land. We need trees, ponds, a place for wildlife to survive, something that doesn’t create more flooding. If you need a warehouse, try purchasing an existing one and save some land for the creatures and the humans. Let’s make the right choice, one that will please Mother Earth. If we need to make money, let’s move toward clean energy, Let’s reuse existing empty warehouses. Let’s grow food…something sustainable…regenerative farming. If we care for Mother Earth, she’ll care for us and maybe, just maybe she’ll sustain us a little while longer.